Everyone's confidence ebbs and flows. Some days you feel like you could conquer the world and well others... On those days everyone else seems more talented or having something better to say. I've just gone through several of those days. I don't know if it was the result of some pretty intense work over the past ten days or so or whether it was simply a failure on my part to feel good about myself and my stuff. I don't know. What I know is that I didn't want to write anything.
What's the cure? Don't be so hard on yourself. Give it a couple days and get back at it. When I mean a couple, I'm talking two or three - not two to three weeks off. Go for walks, watch some movies, maybe even think about how and what you'd like to write. But during these 'down' times, give yourself a break and then get right back at it after your self-imposed writing holiday.