Monday, 30 May 2011

Day 13: When the Well Runs Dry

What happens when you run out of things to say?

A bit of a loaded rhetorical question for a blog that prides itself on saying something every day. It's a bit of a trick question too because you never run out of things to say, only a momentary lapse in useable images or words to express them.

If you're feeling creatively empty, fill your well again by doing something fun: go to a movie, revisit your favorite book, go for a walk, go to the aquariam, look at old photos, remember a time when you were less stressed, listen to music, go out fior Thai food or sushi, dance, sit on your back porch and look out at the wonders around you...

You get the drift. Stories and ideas are everywhere. You just have to put yourself in the mindset to find and rediscover them.

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