Sunday, 12 June 2011

Day 26: Right Place to Write

Where do you find the best place to find your connection with your writing? Is it a place? How about a sense of calm that comes over you. For me the place varies but I have found that as I gain experience in this craft we call writing I find it needs to be a place where I can focus and disappear into my words, thoughts, and the images in my mind. I can no longer write if my fourteen year olds are in the house and within earshot of my space. No boundaries I guess. One just walked in here and interrupted me as I wrote. Now I have to refocus on the task at hand. Take a big breath and return to my peaceful spot in my mind where I create.

Music has a big place where I write. It calms me and sends me to the places I need to go to put words to my imagination.

I create my own place to write wherever I am because my place is a cocoon that I make for myself. Usually my music is my cocoon. However, I once wrote in a restaurant amongst the white noise of others' conversations. I took off my glasses and could not see anything but the page directly in front of me and I wrote. The white noise acted as the cocoon's fabric engulfing me and hiding me from the view of everyday. Sometimes I create my cocoon in the library, at a coffee shop, my living room, my den or in the car waiting for my children to get out of school. Wherever I am and I am writing well I am cocooned.

The right place for me to write is within my protective cocoon where my words morph into something new, beautiful and unexpected.

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